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Understand how Post It Love addresses key mental health issues affecting elementary students. Post It Love explores the impact of these challenges on students and how our program of positive affirmations create meaningful change.

1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Children’s Mental Health." CDC, 27 April 2023,
2Abrams, Z. (2022, October 12). Student mental health is in crisis. Campuses are rethinking their approach. Monitor on Psychology, 53(7).
3U.S. Department of Education. "How the U.S. Department of Education Is Helping Schools Reopen Safely and Meet the Needs of Students." U.S. Department of Education, 23 March 2021,
4 American Psychiatric Association
5 Quinn, M.M., Osher, D., Warger, C., Hanley, T., Bader, B.D., Tate, R., & Hoffman, C. (2000). Educational strategies for children with emotional and behavior problems. Washington, DC: Center f or Ef f ective Collaboration and Practice.

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